About us

We’re redefining
healthcare norms.

Zaki, derived from Arabic, signifies intelligence, clarity, and virtue. These values are at the core of our business model and guide every aspect of our operations.

Our mission

To bring transparency to employer healthcare spend and provide 
support to our clients through SaaS-based tools and solutions 
created to make healthcare data actionable at all levels

Our vision

To enable every company, regardless of size, to understand
and lower healthcare costs through visualized data—easily and 

Meet our visionary founders

Leading the charge towards a unified 
healthcare experience

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Ramesh Kumar

CEO and Co-founder

Ramesh Kumar is the driving force behind ZPH. With a rich background in healthcare management and a passion for improving client outcomes, Ramesh leads ZPH with a vision to revolutionize the member experience. Under his leadership, ZPH is committed to addressing the core issues of healthcare costs and quality while ensuring seamless service integration.

Ramesh's strategic insight and unwavering dedication have been pivotal in steering ZPH towards success.

Bijay Ghimire

CTO and Co-founder

Bijay is delivering innovative healthcare solutions through data-driven cost containment and advanced analytics, leveraging cutting-edge technology and AI-based solutions for diverse clients, including HealthPlans, TPAs, StopLoss carriers, brokers, and employers.

Since 2002, Bijay has been immersed in the complexities and intricacies of the US healthcare system, consistently bringing simple and effective solutions for better population health management and patient engagement.

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Our team

Our team, rich in experience, is dedicated to transforming healthcare.
Meet the people making it happen.

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Emily Parker

Head of customer success

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Michael Brown

Lead software engineer

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Jessica Lee

Marketing manager

Our advisors

Our advisors offer vital insights and guidance, supporting our mission
and strategic direction in healthcare and technology.

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Dr. Alice Johnson

Senior healthcare advisor

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Mark Williams

Technology advisor

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Sarah Thompson

Business strategy advisor

It’s time to deliver the member experience of the future

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